Saturday, June 29, 2013

Larrasoana to Pamplona

We made today a shorter camino than others to rest and recover our feet.  During our first two days, we were challenged by the terrain and our bodies getting adjusted to wearing a pack while climbing and descending.  

After an interesting night of sleep in the ball court gym, Carson and i were overly motivated to find the albergue and get in line.  We ended up being the first two bunks for the night in Jesu, Maria, a refuge attached to the church.

Carson has done an incredible job speaking Spanish when ordering vino, cerveza and tapas.  Its been fun watching his language immersion help his ability to communicate.  

So far, Pamplona is one of my favorite places to be.  We love window shopping, the food, history and people watching.

In Pamplona, we reunite with friends who we have met along the way, but miss others who had to travel slower.  We are sad to say our firet goodbye to friends David,  and Lynny, who were heading north to see the camino norte.  We may see them again during the feast of Santiago.

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